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188位哈佛師生連署 關心太陽花學運


連署人包括重量級講座學者 : 甘迺迪政府學院 Sheila Jasanoff 教授(Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology Studies,科技與社會研究權威)及工程與應用科學學院比爾蓋茲講座教授兼中研院院士孔祥重教授(William H. Gates Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering)、法學院法律哲學大師 Duncan M. Kennedy 教授(Carter Professor of General Jurisprudence)也親自出具短函聲援本次聯署。此外,曾任教於哈佛大學、目前在加州大學 Davis 分校之科技與法律史權威 Mario Biagioli 教授也具名支持。

(連署網頁 https://sites.google.com/site/twsunflower2014/home) 聲明全文及翻譯如下:


We Urge Peaceful and Democratic Resolutionof the Sunflower Student Movement in Taiwan

We write to express our concerns for the use of force deployed by law enforcement officials toward peaceful and unarmed student protesters in Taiwan. Taiwan’s vibrant democracy has allowed for robust political discussions on important social issues. We therefore urge the government in Taiwan to act in accordance with the fundamental principles embodied in its Constitution, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in dealing with peaceful protests. We hope that the government in Taiwan can continue to engage in constructive dialogues with its protesters and take active steps to reach a peaceful and
democratic resolution.

我們對近日台灣執法人員以武力驅離和平抗議且手無寸鐵學生一事表達關切。 一直以來,台灣蓬勃發展的民主讓不同的政治意見在各種社會議題上,皆有表達之機會。因此,我們呼籲台灣政府本於憲法、世界人權宣言與聯合國公民權利和政治權利國際公約等基本原則,對待和平之抗議活動。我們期望台灣政府持續與太陽花學運進行建設性的對話,並積極尋求和平且民主之解決方案。
